Students may enroll in any course offered at Mercy U Lay Theology Institute in any order.
For those who wish to complete the certificate program the following are required:
2 Systematic Theology
1 Moral Theology
1 Scripture
1 Church History or Philosophy
1 Elective from any subject area
Courses in the history of theology (e.g., an overview of patristic theology or medieval theology) count towards the systematic requirement. Each course runs for four weeks. We anticipate offering three courses per year: one each in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Meetings will be held on Wednesday nights or Saturday mornings at the instructor’s discretion. The offerings will be arranged so that it is possible—though not necessary– to complete the program in two years.
Tuition: $125 per course*
To Register
Questions? contact Anna LaNave, OLOM Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation/Evangelization -
or (301) 365-1415 x122
*Tuition assistance is available upon request.